HighView’s Loren Francis interviews Fiona Wilson to discuss Women in the field of finance....
Let us show you The HighView...
For International Women’s Day Join in the Conversation as Loren, Fiona and Sarah discuss a variety of...
Our first Points of HighView show rightfully has our host John Scholes interview our two co-founders Gary Brent and Mark Barnicutt. ...
Points of HighView - Intro with our Host, John...
When we founded HighView Financial Group in November 2005, we set out to build an investment firm that was truly unique from the...
When we founded HighView Financial Group in November 2005, we set out to build an investment firm that was truly unique from the large...
Pool funds, like mutual funds, co-mingle investor funds for purposes of investing. Investors hold units in the pool fund, and ideally the...
In Canada, mutual funds are the largest held embedded fee investment product available. They are categorized by a class system, of which...
When downsizing their homes, many families are left with more liquid wealth than they are accustomed to. With appropriate financial and...
It is our goal to debunk myths found within the investment industry. One of the most persistent myths perpetuated by investment managers is...
On Tuesday March 22nd, the Federal government released its much-anticipated 2016 Federal Budget. On the heels of a Justin Trudeau and...
As independent stewards of wealth for affluent Canadian families and foundations, it is our passion to inform and educate investors. In...
Yield is a popular concept for investors, but it can be an uphill climb finding high levels of legitimate, safe, and secure yield in a...
Fees are a sensitive subject in wealth management. The often lost concept in wealth management is fair, true, and plain disclosure of fees....
The Client Relationship Model (Phase 2), “CRM2”, will drive radical changes to the Canadian financial advisory industry. On July 15th,...
On July 15th, 2016 the Canadian financial advisory community will undergo a drastic change – a change that will shape its revenue model...
Based on HighView’s industry experience, investors face 7 key impediments in the pursuit of making their wealth...
HighView Financial Group works with professional advisors such as accountants, lawyers, insurance advisors, and actuaries to develop an...
The accumulation of wealth requires patience, perseverance, and hard work. At HighView Financial Group, we focus on growing wealth...