Posts Tagged ‘real estate’

Private REITs require careful due diligence

By Dan Hallett on December 6th, 2012

The Globe and Mail shed a bit of light on the small universe of private real estate investment trusts (REITs) in Canada.  The article touches on both the benefits and perils of this emerging product segment.  I recently reviewed a Canadian...

Desperately seeking income

By Dan Hallett on June 21st, 2012

The Globe and Mail recently reported that Michael Lee-Chin was planning a return to the retail investment industry.  He has spoken specifically about his desire to bring institutional private equity exposure to retail investors in Canada. ...

Structural risks of real property funds

By Dan Hallett on June 22nd, 2010

In a recent Globe & Mail article, I was quoted as saying that I was amazed that real estate mutual and segregated funds still existed.  I was surprised at the extent of feedback I received on this seemingly innocent quote.  But clearly, the...

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