By HighView Financial on September 1, 2009
At HighView Financial Group, the purpose of our business is to “facilitate excellence in the management of wealth” for three groups of clients:
Investment Advisors, Financial Advisors
Families, Single Family Offices, Multiple Family Offices
Foundations, Endowments, Private Pension Plans
In our experience, most clients’ definition of “excellence” in the management of their wealth is tied to the concept of “sustainability”. In other words, “Don’t lose our money!’
Although there are many purposes for wealth, many of which are emotionally linked, the practical purpose of wealth is to be able to fund a set of future liabilities. For a family, such future liabilities are typically lifestyle and legacy needs while for a foundation, such future liabilities are annual funding requirements for charitable giving purposes. In order to provide for such future liabilities, though, it is critical that the wealth that is funding such future liabilities be sustainable!
At HighView Financial Group, it is our belief that sustainable wealth is created through the deployment of comprehensive and objective asset management practices, integrated with goals-based investor profiling and stewarded with a fiduciary mindset. Given the nature of our business, together with our partners’ collective experiences in senior leadership positions at various wealth management firms, clients and their professional advisors, such as lawyers and accountants, frequently ask us how they we determine if their money will be responsibly managed to meet their goals?
As a result, we’ve written an article to provide clients and their professional advisors with set of ten questions that will answer this all important question:
“How will my money be managed”?
- Understanding Wealth Stewardship - August 4, 2022
- Reaching a Successful Transition of Family Wealth - May 12, 2022
- The Obstacles in Creating Sustainable Wealth - April 7, 2022