HighView Family Story: Transition from Self-Managing the Family’s Wealth to Ensure Financial Peace of Mind

By Loren Francis on September 26, 2018

Advisors work together to create sustainable wealth plan

This family story is the third of a series in which we discuss some of the common investment challenges families face and what ultimately led them to HighView. Here, we explore what can happen when one member of an affluent family assumes responsibility for money and investments, particularly surrounding the concerns that can emerge as that person ages. 

How long will they be able to maintain that level of guardianship? What will happen if they pre-decease their spouse?

In this story, the father had been managing the family’s wealth of approximately $10 million for more than 20 years. Although he had done this well, there were investment options he could not access as an individual investor, and both he and his family were becoming concerned about who would manage the wealth as he aged or if something happened to him.

These apprehensions prompted the father to search for a wealth management firm able to provide the same fiduciary responsibility and level of care that he would for his family over the long term:

  • Carrying out a Careful and Comfortable Transition: Transitioning the family’s assets was a three-year process that occurred in stages for reasons of both comfort and tax mitigation.

Read the full family story here.

HighView is an independent fiduciary portfolio management firm whose sole purpose is to provide our clients with peace of mind by making their wealth sustainable. We would be happy to discuss our goals-based investment approach with you and your professional advisors.

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