
HighView Financial Group is a brand name used by HighView Asset Management Ltd. (“HighView”). HighView is a boutique investment counselling firm, dedicated to developing sustainable wealth solutions customized to our clients’ specific needs and goals. HighView is registered in Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba in the category of Portfolio Manager.

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The information and any analysis contained in this presentation is taken from, or based upon, information obtained by HighView or from publicly available sources. HighView assumes no responsibility for verification of the information contained in these materials, and no representation or warranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. These materials do not contain all information that may be required to evaluate, and do not constitute a recommendation with respect to, any transaction or matter. Any recipient of these materials should conduct its own independent analysis of the matters referred to herein. No express or implied representations are made regarding these products or services, including without limitation, no representations are made concerning investment results or any legal, accounting, regulatory or tax treatment of an investment in any jurisdiction that might be relevant to a recipient of this document.

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